| Omae o korosu? Such a wonderful phrase, ne? Chibi Dom Heero is ready to show all the definitions. |
 | Chibi Dom Duo comes with a plethora of fun toys and a mesh shirt (*grumble*). (Lyo's Note: This is the ONLY mesh I'll ever do. It's a PIMA) |
 | Straight out of the circus and ready for some fun. Too bad there isn't a Chibi Sub Quatre for him yet. |
 | A rarity, but fun none the less, this little arabian has turned his tea cups in for some more adult toys. |
 | *snorts* No comment |
 | Yet another innocent who finds pleasure in a few more ero--er, exotic places. No more Little Miss Virgin Lena-chan. She prefers to be known as Relena-sama. |
 | A favorite around places. Chibi Dom Hirde...just watch out when she's PMSing. Updated Pic. The original is here. |
 | And the elegantly wicked Dorothy, ready for a night of fun. Now if she could just steal Chibi Sun Quatre from Trowa.... |
 | And finally, Miss Chibi Dom Sally. Sure she looks innocent. Innocent people always stand by willing with leashes. She's only a little embarassed about the fact Lyo handed her Chibi Dom Hirde's clothes by mistake. Whoops. |