Sex: Female
Real Name: Too horrible to mention
Lives: In Pittsburgh, Pa.
Favorite Anime: Gundam Wing, Ronin Warriors, Outlaw Star, Sailor Moon, Escaflowne
Least Favorite Anime: Big O, Robotech/Macross, Dragon Ball Z (everything but Trunks, 18, and 17), Pokemon ('sept Musashi & Kojiro), Digimon , Flint: Time Detective, Card Captors (yes, I mean them. I hate what they did to the show in English. Card Captor Sakura is pretty cool.), Blue Submarine #12, Shin Tenchi (Tenchi in Tokyo)
Let's did this all start out. *fade back music* It all started back when a little girl had to get up at six o'clock every morning and get ready to go to the babysitter's before she went to school. One morning, she got ready a little earlier than usual and sat down to watch a mindnumbing cartoon before she left home. Looney Tunes or this other show with five lions and people with screwy hair. She chose the Five Lion show, known to most people as Voltron. She fell in love with it quickly.
A few years later, towards fifth grade, she met another early morning cartoon show that was "cool". This one starred a blonde kid with mushroom hair (so, maybe he wasn't the star. Maybe some Ryo kid was the 'star' star.) His eyes were purple. This little girl liked purple. The funny part to mention now is that the little girl actually never once thought that these shows weren't English until Sailor Moon made its way onto the air and she saw all the kanji lettering.
Needless to say, when Toonami said they were going to air "Voltron" she was thrilled. A little jaunt down memory lane, if you would. (now to leave third person) Ah...Voltron was a terrible show, I know, but that's just part of its charm. What DIDN'T charm me was the other show they put on, taking Voltron away. I quote "The fuck....?". Yes, I know I said that. My mother still needles me for being obessed with 'cartoons'. I fell away from Toonami for awhile. I needed a break, thus, I curled up with my X-men tapes and was satisfied until they put Sailor Moon on the air.
Granted, I've never been a ravenous moonie freak. I adore the outer senshi and Rei, but the others give me serious creeps. (Red eyes tend to do that) But Sailor Moon had something that never called to me before. The Revolving Door villian. Not MOTD, but "main" bad guys that only lasted three or four episodes before meeting their maker. Okay, so maybe that's a little over done, but they don't last long nearly enough.
I think here was when my affinity towards the "other characters", usually villains came full force. In Voltron, I found my first crush, Lotor. If you know who I mean, go ahead. Laugh. I really thought he was hot. I was partial to Lady Kayura in the three Ronin episodes I had seen that far along. But now...Nephrite and Jedite and Kunzite...*drool* Kunzite was HOT. Anyway, when the Ronin Warriors came back on air, I was absolutely thrilled. Sage and Rowen were still hot. Shin (Sai/Cye/Sigh) was still cute. I still loathed the ground that Kento and Ryo walked on. I still do. But I was opened to a new world: The Warlords. Dais was HOT with his white/pinkish tinted hair. Sekhment was strangley attractive (I think the eyeshadow did it). Anubis and Tulpa...*snort*. Oh well, I liked 1/2 the badguys if you count Kayura and not that Badman guy who sounds liked Rowen on crack. Same voice actor. Go figure.
Then Ronin Warrios went buh bye again, and back came Sailor Moon with her two new seasons. I liked S. I'll admit. Amara and Michelle freaked me out, as every time they emphasized the "cousins" thing, the little voice in my head screamed "INCEST". Trista...EH. The whole glossing of religious symbolism made me squeamish. But they had Saturn. Forgive me for loving the little girl who can kill all in one fell swoop. So she can kill herself when she does it, it's still nifty to me. But the villians...They were bad. No hot guys, no nothing. I did like the last three Witches, the ones who only lasted a day each. They were cool. But nothing compared to what was coming next...
Super S! Sugoi! FishEye, HawkEye, and TigerEye...*sigh* They were some good stuff. Sure they weren't human. Sure they're all gay. They are still HOT. Well, I don't care much for HawkEye, but he can come along for the ride. They had bad eighties fashion and weird hair, but they were still awesome.
Oh, wait, this is a Gundam Wing page. *smacks forehead* Let's get back on topic, shall we? I boycotted Gundam Wing for the longest time because of Ronin Warriors. Maybe someday I'll put up "I was just looking for the bathroom, and..." and you can see. I started watching it about the same time i started watching Sailor Moon S.
My first thoughts:
Heero: Ew.
Duo: Are his eyes purple?
Trowa: It's called food. You should try it sometime.
Quatre: Gay. He's gay. He's too cute not to be.
Wufei: Gel much?
Relena: Fashion DISASTER
Catherine: I thought that other girl was bad...
Zechs: Cereal bowls are fun
Noin: She needs to feed that brother of hers.
Needless to say, I wasn't that impressed. I watched the one of the earlier episodes to get this opinion, then turned it off until almost the summer. I got all the info I ever needed off of for the fic we were writing,
Jenn and I. Anyway, when I started watching, I was blown away. It was awesome. Trowa, food or not, was Hot. Duo was Hot. Quatre was Hot. Heero and Wufei...they never quite deemed hot status on my scale, although on
Jenn's page there's a doujinshi with Heero on it....He looks hot there. Red looks good on him. I did figure out, though, that Noin and Trowa weren't related. That's a plus, ne? Anyway, Hirde (I learned from Jenn. She calls her Hirde. Let's get real technical though. Her name is Hirude. Hildi is better than Hirude.) showed up and I was bombed. Hook line and sinker, they were an awesome couple. I cried when I first saw episode 23. I though she died in the end. Whew. Hirde is my favorite female Gundam character. Relena, Catherine (she's such a whore. I love that about her), and Sally are a close second. Let's not get into Une and Dorothy. I'd rant about why I love them together, but I think I'll save that for a "why I support 2xH/Hx2" page. They...*sigh* Oh well. This is the end of the page. Blah.