Renegades Adoption Center
Hello, welcome. Pull up a chair. Here at the Center we have three types of chibis to take home and love: Dom, Sub, and Blind. Currently, only Dom are open to adopt. We hope to have the others in shortly.

First, let's go through the basics of adoption.
1. Right-click and save the chibi you would like. They're all .gif and relitively (-_-;;) small. They also have transparent backgrounds.
2. Put it up on your site. And link back here, either on the image or in your links page.
3. Tell me what you've adopted and on what page so I can link you in the adoption link page. Easy, ne??

Yes, Chibi Dom Wufei and Hirde will be redone....eventually. They look like crap, oh well. Deal w/ it.

Bondage Chibis!!

Omae o korosu? Such a wonderful phrase, ne? Chibi Dom Heero is ready to show all the definitions.
Chibi Dom Duo comes with a plethora of fun toys and a mesh shirt (*grumble*). (Lyo's Note: This is the ONLY mesh I'll ever do. It's a PIMA)
Straight out of the circus and ready for some fun. Too bad there isn't a Chibi Sub Quatre for him yet.
A rarity, but fun none the less, this little arabian has turned his tea cups in for some more adult toys.
*snorts* No comment
Yet another innocent who finds pleasure in a few more ero--er, exotic places. No more Little Miss Virgin Lena-chan. She prefers to be known as Relena-sama.
A favorite around places. Chibi Dom Hirde...just watch out when she's PMSing. Updated Pic. The original is here.
And the elegantly wicked Dorothy, ready for a night of fun. Now if she could just steal Chibi Sun Quatre from Trowa....
And finally, Miss Chibi Dom Sally. Sure she looks innocent. Innocent people always stand by willing with leashes. She's only a little embarassed about the fact Lyo handed her Chibi Dom Hirde's clothes by mistake. Whoops.
Sub/Fetish Chibis!!