Well, it's here folks. The level I'd never stoop to. The truth that I would never face...Well, damn, it's time to get down and dirty. I'm succumbing to the evil that is the FIC CHALLENGE.
*laughs* Honestly, I enjoy them. So, let's go and see what challenges that have become from ye olde mind of mine. . . . . . .
Challenge One::
A concievable Hx4, Hx5, OR Hx11 pairing/PWP. I'm not talking long winded romance, just something short and sweet that works. If it's Hx5, I'll give you an award.

Challenge Two::
Put a fic to the song "Daddy's Girl" (lyrics) or to the song "My Way" (lyrics). Also recieves an award.

Current Challenge ENDS on or after AUGUST 19TH

As you can see, these are some SUCK ASS challenges. That's why they must recieve an award for their troubles. Oh, a few basic rules.

1. Challenges do not have to contain 2xH pairing unless noted. Hell, they don't even have to be in them....BUT no yaoi. That's too easy. No RXD yuri. any other het. or yuri pairing is acceptable.
2. Must be emailed to me under the heading "CHALLENGES" to recieve credit.
3. Challenges last atleast a month, or until I have five stories from both challenges. Or until I update.

This form no baka. Don't use. Email me here. What kind of challenges would you like to see here? Any ideas?
